How to curb impulse eating

How to curb impulse eating

Even if you stick to your diet most of the time, impulse eating can interfere with reaching your weight loss goals. Try these simple techniques to help you outsmart common obstacles.

Strategies when eating at home-

  • Manage stress. Lowering your stress levels will reinforce your willpower. 
  • Serve one portion at a time. You’ll have to get up and go back to the kitchen for more. 
  • Sit down to eat.
  • Use smaller plates.
  • Keep a journal to discover the triggers that tempt you.
  • Limit your exposure to food advertisements.
  • Be extra careful when you have company. Beware of nibbling, especially when alcohol may lower your inhibitions.

Strategies for Dining Out

  • Forgo the fast food restaurants.
  • Buffets: Circle the buffet first to pick the best items. Sit far away from the buffet.
  • Take note of the lighting. Dim lights can make you eat more than you planned. 
  • Plan your order ahead of time so you arrive with your mind set on a healthy choice.
  • Eat half of your meal. Take the leftovers home. 

Other Important Tips

  • Fill up with nutritious food before you go grocery shopping.
  • Bring healthy snacks from home instead of visiting vending machines.
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